Change your life in 24 hours.

Change is hard. For many people changing their habits to improve their life is one of the hardest things to do. I believe you can change your life in 24 hours.

You’ll help others without even thinking about it, but helping yourself takes immense effort. Because of that, many of us don’t even try. We later suffer the consequences. Health issues start to reveal themselves. It becomes more challenging to keep up with your kids and at some point you accept the fact that you can’t. Your blood pressure shoots up and so does your A1C. Now you have to resort to meds that you wish you didn’t have to be on. Instead of waiting for these things to happen, take action now and work to prevent them.

My challenge to you is, find your local CrossFit Affiliate and commit to participating in 24 CrossFit classes. That’s a total of 24 hours. 3 hours a week for 8 weeks. If you can commit to that I truly believe you can change your life.

Weeks 1 and 2 will be hard. You will be sore and it’s going to be a challenge to just show up. Make the commitment to show up anyways.

Weeks 3-5 are still hard but not as hard. You’re starting to get the hang of things. You’re not as sore and by now you have made some friends and have some more accountability.

By week 6 and 8 you’re starting to feel excited to go to the gym and the next challenge on the whiteboard. You have lost some weight, you’re feeling stronger, and you’re not out of breath like you used to be! (except for a flight of stairs… those will always get ya)

During these 24 classes you’re going to have to push past excuses, old habits, and the desire to quit. If you can make it past these initial 24 classes, quitting will be far from your radar!

Think of the 24 hours as your foundation. Once you have this built you have a solid base to build your fit and healthy body on!

The time is going to pass whether you decide to stay on your couch or join a CrossFit gym. You might as well see what changes CrossFit can have on your health and fitness!

-Fitness is a journey, Coach Alex.


5 ways to be an awesome client!


FAQ with CrossFit Electrica