Better Nutrition leads to better results.
The foundation of CrossFit is nutrition. “Exercise without regard to nutrition is like rowing with only one oar in the water.” - Greg Glassman.
Here I have a great example from one of our clients at Electrica.
When he first began CrossFit it was primarily adding the exercise portion to his life with little to no regard to nutrition. CrossFit works so well that even with little focus on nutrition he still saw awesome results. Over time those results slowed down and eventually stopped, he plateaued.
That is when he began focusing on nutrition more. He ate more protein and started cooking at home versus hitting up the drive thru-line. He wasn’t perfect, but it was a huge improvement. Results started to happen again! Hooray!
Fast forward a few months and he became a bit lax on his nutrition. He started adding in more sugary foods and convenient fast food. His progress began to slow down again.
He recently got some blood work done that showed he had high cholesterol and triglycerides. We spoke about his nutrition and decided to lower his sugar intake and how often he got fast food. He was determined to make a change. Each day he made the conscious decision to not eat any sugary treats or hit up the drive-thru line. Instead he ate more whole foods that were mainly made at home. After 1 month he got bloodwork done again and his cholesterol and triglycerides both dropped to normal ranges. The only change he made to his day to day life was his eating habits.
After 1 month of eating cleaner he also noticed other improvements. He has more energy throughout the day where before he felt sluggish. He is less bloated. His clothes fit better.
His measurement around his stomach went from 46.5 inches before CrossFit to 39 inches now. I mean come on who doesn’t want that?! He’s crushing it!
This is just one example of what proper nutrition plus exercise can do for you. The solution is simple, but it can be hard. If you want help with your personal fitness journey, join your local CrossFit Affiliate!