Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity.

Mechanics, Consistency, Intensity. This is the framework in which we progress clients. Intensity is an essential building block of our program. It’s implementation is described not as an absolute metric but rather as an effort that is relative to the physical and psychological tolerances of each individual.

Here is what it looks like in application:

Mechanics: We teach each client how to perform the movements correctly. Building sound movement mechanics is the bedrock.

Consistency: The next step is to test consistency. Can the client perform the movements with good mechanics from one day to the next? Can they do so with different rep ranges? If “yes” then we move on to increasing the intensity.

Intensity: We can now increase the speed and or loading of the movements. This is where we can push harder physically and mentally.

This practice is applied and revisited with all clients during their “career”. Even experienced athletes who have progressed can have slip ups and need to revisit mechanics, consistency, and then intensity. This provided that the program can have long-term sustainability.

This is why having an experienced coach can help you progress in your fitness “career” for your lifetime. Making sure you stay safe, get results, and have fun.

Start your fitness “career” with us by scheduling your free consultation. Click Here to book now.


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