Health tips for the Holidays!

It’s November 1st. I hope everyone had a good Halloween! Some of you have probably already started decorating for Christmas. Some are looking for their stretchy pants before Thanksgiving. Who doesn’t love the holidays? Am I right? With all that being said, there are countless events, parties, get togethers, and work pot lucks coming. This time of year is great, but it can also be very stressful. Here are a few tips to practice this Holiday season to make sure your health is still a priority!

  • Plan ahead! Your schedule is full. Don’t let random things that life throws at you knock you off your path to fitness. Spend 5 to 10 minutes each day planning the next day. What time will you work out? What will you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Answer those questions for yourself and stick to it. No plan = bad plan.

  • Get outdoors more! The weather is nicer and it’s time to take advantage of that. Get outdoors and go for more walks or runs. We like to do more park and track workouts during this time of year.

  • Eat more protein! Protein helps you stay full for longer. It’s easy to overdo it during the holidays, so focusing on eating a bit more protein can help with overeating on all the other treats.

  • Join a group! You are who you surround yourself with. It’s hard to live a healthy lifestyle sometimes. It’s even harder if the people around you don’t have the same goals. Get around some like minded people who have similar goals. You can all help each other be more accountable!

Let’s keep getting fit this holiday season!

Ready to invest in your health? Schedule your free consultation now! Click Here.

Fitness is a journey, Coach Alex.


Set yourself up for success!


Sugared Out!