Why you should go ahead and start now.
“I’ll start working out once things calm down.” “I’ll start after the kids go back to school.” “I’ll start on Monday.” Monday comes around and something else has come up. Now you wait until next Monday only for something else to come up. There’s no shortage of excuses or responsibilities in our lives. Life, most likely, will never slow down. You may feel like you don’t have enough time, you can’t afford to go to a gym, or you don’t know how to workout, but that is no reason to not start. Time waits for no one. If it’s important to you then you need to find a way, not an excuse. (that was deep)
I’m going to list out some solutions for you.
Short on time?
Reduce screen time! How much time do you spend on things that aren’t necessary like watching Netflix, or just scrolling on your phone? “A recent survey reveals a striking statistic: on average, Americans are dedicating a substantial three hours and nine minutes each day to streaming digital media.” https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/internet/streaming-stats/
Prioritize your time! What is important to you? For me it’s my family, my health, and my business. List your top 3-5 in order. Make time for those things and anything else that is not on the list can wait.
The gym doesn’t fit the budget?
Fitness videos! The internet is in the palm of your hands. Find some workout videos you could follow along with.
Calisthenics! Calisthenics is a great and affordable way to get fit because all you need is your body.
Go for walks! This is one of my favorite things to do. Usually it’s with my wife. We both get moving and spend good quality time together. For you it may be some time alone or with your family as well.
CrossFit.com! The CrossFit website and You tube page are full of knowledge and workouts you can follow along every single day. https://www.crossfit.com/workout/
Don’t know where to start?
Join you local CrossFit Affiliate! If you are intimidated by working out and are looking for guidance, this is the best place to start.
Want to join the coolest place in Longview , TX to get fit?
Click here to schedule your free intro and get started. https://crossfitelectrica-nosweat.as.me/
Now that you have some more knowledge and solutions, the next step is to take action. No amount of knowledge will change your situation if there is no action.
The choice is yours!
Fitness is a journey, Coach Alex.