What if im not “fit enough” to join?
We hear this often. You see our content. You decide it is time to start improving your health. You’re not sure if you are “fit enough” to do the workouts. You feel discouraged. You decide to wait until you are “fit enough”. You never begin.
It’s a common misconception.
The truth is that anyone can do the workouts we program. We call it “scaling” but you can think of it as adjusting the workout for your fitness level and needs. We program workouts to be broad, general, and inclusive. Everyone needs to strength train and increase their endurance. With “scaling” we can achieve the same goal but at different levels.
Let’s use this workout as an example.
3 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
50 Air Squats
Person A completes the workout the way it is written.
Person B completes 2 rounds instead of 3.
Person C completes 3 rounds but changes the 400 meter run into a 2 minute walk and changes the 50 air squats to 10 squats to a chair.
All three people did their own version of the same workout and achieved the same goal for the workout.
We can repeat this process with any workout that is programmed at our gym. Over time we see clients progressively improve over and over again.
You may never feel “fit enough”, but don’t let that stop you from starting. Anyone CAN do CrossFit. It may be the best decision you make for your health.
That is the beauty of “scaling”!